4 Kommentare zu „Mykobakterien“

  1. I don’t speak German, so please forgive me if I am very far off base, but the title of your post struck me. I survived a mycobacterium infection and I had to explain it to everyone, even quite a few medical people. It’s not something you come across very often! So I enjoyed seeing this portrait! It’s quite fierce, I think you have captured its personality.

    And, I wanted to thank you for following me, too.


    1. Actually, a couple of days ago a niece of mine told me about her fish having mycobacteria and she described how this fish looked like. It must have been terrifying.
      Thank you for following me! I am very glad to welcome you as a happy survivor in my doodle factory. 🙂


      1. Thank you. I learned a lot about mycobacterium during my illness and recovery, and I know many people acquire the „fish“ version (there are many kinds, I did not get this strain). But up to now, I gave no thought to the fish and its effect on them. Poor things, and no one is trying to cure them. Once again, I’m feeling lucky that wasn’t my fate!


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